The city of Jeddah - the bride of the Red Sea and the commercial capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is also the home of the country's first automobile distributor, Haji Husein Alireza & Co. Ltd.
Haji Husein Alireza & Co. Ltd. (Head Office)
P.O. Box 40, Jeddah - 21411
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Telephone: +966-12-604-9444
Fax: +966-12-642-6435
Email: contact@hha.com.sa
Mazda Fleet Sales Department (Jeddah):
Direct Line: 012-6049452
Telephone: 012-604-9444 Extn. 5719/5722
Email: MazdaFleet@hha.com.sa
Customer Care (For Enquiries & Complaints):
Email: crd@hha.com.sa
Call: 800 244 0140
From Sunday to Thursday: 7:30am to 4:30pm